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All Agreements
- Commodity name: Estates & Facilities Management
- Commodity code: 2416
- Start date: 04/05/2021
- End date: 03/05/2025
- Coordinating body: NEUPC
Lift Installation & Maintenance
Lift Consultancy
- Commodity name: Estates & Facilities Management
- Commodity code: 2405
- Start date: 04/05/2021
- End date: 03/05/2024
- Coordinating body: NEUPC
International Mail Services
- Commodity name: STEMed & Laboratories
- Commodity code: 2652
- Start date: 01/10/2022
- End date: 30/09/2025
- Coordinating body: APUC
Lot 1 - Mass Spectrometers
Lot 2 - Gas Chromatographs
Lot 3 - Gas Chromatographers with Mass Spectrometers
Lot 4 - Gas Generators Systems and Associated Servicing
Lot 5 - Liquid Chromatographs and Associated Modules
Lot 6 - Liquid Chromatographs coupled with Mass Spectrometers
Lot 7 - Forthcoming Systems and Modular/Combined Systems
Lot 8 - Refurbished Equipment One Stop Shops
Lot 9 - Related Consumables and Accessories
Lot 10 - Equipment Servicing
- Commodity name: Estates & Facilities Management
- Commodity code: 2856
- Start date: 01/06/2023
- End date: 31/05/2026
- Coordinating body: NEUPC
Mechanical Services North East
Mechanical Services Yorkshire & Humber
Mechanical Services East Midlands
Mechanical Services West Midlands
Electrical Services North East
Electrical Services Yorkshire & Humber
Electrical Services East Midlands
Electrical Services West Midlands
- Commodity name: STEMed & Laboratories
- Commodity code: 2601
- Start date: 31/05/2022
- End date: 30/05/2025
- Coordinating body: APUC
Lot 1 Optical Microscopes
Lot 2 New Technologies
Lot 3 Laser-based Imaging Systems and Laser Components
Lot 4 Super Resolution and Enhanced Resolution Microscopes
Lot 5 Cameras
Lot 6 Software
Lot 7 Light Sources
Lot 8 General Accessories and Consumables
Lot 9 Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs – Low End Equipment
Lot 10 Servicing, Maintenance and Repairs – High End Equipment
- Commodity name: Catering
- Commodity code: 2563
- Start date: 24/01/2022
- End date: 23/01/2025
- Coordinating body: TUCO
Lot 1: Milk and Dairy (HE/FE)
Lot 2: Milk and Dairy (Local Authorities)
Lot 3: Bread and Morning Goods (HE/FE)
Lot 4: Bread and Morning Goods (Local Authorities)