

In this section of our website you'll find resources and documents which are restricted access for NEUPC members only. These documents may contain commercially sensitive information and we request that you do not share them outside of the NEUPC membership. Organised by topic, we hope you find these resources useful.

An audience looks at a man talking onstage at a conference.

NEUPC Annual Reports

The NEUPC Annual Report for 2023/24 is now available, highlighting a year of strong financial performance, continued member support, and strategic...

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A man compares information on a laptop screen against a piece of paper.

Procurement Policy Note

The Procurement Policy Notes are designed to be a practical resource for members, and they are updated regularly to reflect the latest changes in procurement legislation and best practice.

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Have you missed our free webinars and workshops lately? Don't worry you can catch up on all the latest insights and current challenges facing the HE and Public.

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