UK Universities Purchasing Consortia

The UKUPC is a collaborative partnership between eight UK Consortia that created a formal entity to support collaborative procurement within Higher Education.  We work together optimising our resources to deliver a broad portfolio of HE sector framework agreements and sharing common procurement systems and processes. 

UKUPC comprises heads of the UK regional purchasing consortia (Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium; Advanced Procurement for Universities and Colleges, Scotland; Higher Education Purchasing Consortium, Wales; London Universities Purchasing Consortium, North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium and North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium), the head of TEC and the head of TUCO as well as a representative from HEFCE. 

We invite you to read how our strategic aims support our mission of leveraging the benefits of collaborative procurement, working across the UK HE Consortia community to enhance procurement within HE and across our other members: 

  • Helping deliver savings and efficiencies
  • Maximising member benefits
  • Embedding responsible/ethical procurement and social value
  • Using a sustainable supply chain management approach

UKUPC will continue to enhance collaboration across the sector, working closely with you to meet your procurement needs.