Register to become a supplier
NEUPC is one of six HE regional purchasing consortia in the UK that lets and manages framework agreements on behalf of its members.
Some agreements are tendered exclusively for NEUPC members but in most cases NEUPC collaborates with other regional purchasing consortia, which means that an agreement will be awarded by one consortium but will be available for other consortia to use.
To register your details with us, please visit our eTendering Portal.
If you are interested in being made aware of NEUPC contract opportunities then you are advised to register under every business category in which you are interested. Once registered, you will be notified of relevant tendering opportunities.
Our Delta portal is jointly used by some of our members, namely the University of Bradford, the University of Derby, the University of Leeds, Leeds Trinity University, Teesside University and York St John University. You may wish to contact our other members to register on their electronic tendering systems, member contact details can be found on our website.
Registering with Delta does not mean you are an approved NEUPC supplier or enables you to sell to our Members. All NEUPC Agreements have undergone a formal tender process.
NEUPC and most of its Members are defined as Contracting Authorities under EU Procurement Directives and UK public procurement regulations. Regular monitoring of the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), Contracts Finder and the Delta e-Sourcing Portal is essential if you wish to tender to become an NEUPC supplier.