Sustainable Procurement Training - Scot Gov

Please find details below of some free Sustainable Procurement Training sessions that Scot Gov is running.  You should select “Colleges and Universities” from the drop-down menu on Eventbrite when booking, as the slots have been spread across the different sectors (Local Authority, NHS) in Scotland.  It is first-come, first-served in terms of sign-up, so book now if you are interested in attending. Links to book are embedded in the table below:

Short sustainable procurement sessions will be held online during February and March 2024. Tickets are free to public sector representatives, but there is a restriction on the number available, so please select the appropriate sector for your tickets.

The programme consists of three different sessions, each one runs from 10 am to 12 noon. All three sessions form a single cohort, with the dates and details given below.

An individual should only sign up for a single cohort.

To book your tickets, please select the Cohort you are interested in below.

Tickets for Cohort 2

Tickets for Cohort 3
