Latest Legal Services Events Update

The following are a selection of forthcoming legal services events by suppliers to the current LUPC led national framework agreement (Legal Services (National) PFB5069 LU) that may be of interest to your organisation. Please share internally with others who may be interested in these legal events.

  • All events are open to the public, organised by the framework supplier as listed, and are independent of LUPC.
  • Unless indicated the events are free to attend.
  • All URLs will direct you to the law firm’s event website.

Please see the registration information for full details of the event, the registration, and any terms and conditions of registering. Events may be postponed or cancelled without notice.

UPDATE: This month’s issues looks at webinars, on demand webinars alongside quick reads and insights. 


  • LUPC Legal Services Webinar Series: Successfully defending Procurement Challenges - date Tuesday 8 November 2022. Addleshaw Goddard covers the practical steps public sector bodies may take in responding to public procurement challenges REGISTER HERE.

On Demand Webinars

  • The rise and rise of ESG: Are your policies fit for purpose? Release 6 September 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Pinsent Mason
  • In-house in Focus webinar series. Released 26 August 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Mills & Reeve
  • Get ready for reform: The new Procurement Bill webinar. Released: 7 July 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Browne Jacobson
  • Freedom of speech webinar. Released: 21 June 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Shakespeare Martineau
  • Contract disputes: tips, tactics and knowing your rights webinar. Released: 21 June 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Bevan Brittan
  • The White and Green Papers are out - what next? Webinar. Released: 6 May 2022 Click here to watch the on demand webinar from Framework Supplier: Browne Jacobson

Quick reads and insights